I know I have already talked about Reese's obsession with my laundry basket. But I thought it was funny, because this time I was trying to actually do my laundry, and she wouldn't get out. She also likes to put the clothes on her head. (by the way those are clean clothes.)
Reese is such a good eater, but I feel like I feed her the same things all the time. If any mommies out there have any ideas I would love you to share. It could also be something you make yourself, she pretty much eats anything. But of course I would like it to be quick and easy, as well as healthy.
Did you cut Reese's hair? She looks different... very cute! For some reason when I look at your blog the pictures show up but the text never does? What did she win at her baby contest?
She is so cute! Maybe to cute for her own good! :) I love the way she smiles at the camera!
I am so sad I didn't come to Megan's either. There was a major miscommunication between me and KariAnn, I thought she was going to call me and tell me the time and that is was a for sure go and she thought she already told me!! Bummer I wanted to see everyone.
Yes I used marciaranae, if it works go with it right??? I am glad you hunted me down, Reese is absolutely adorable!!
So I don't know if you already feed this to Reese, but Annabelle LOVES beans (especially black and pinto). I like it because they are cheap, easy (just open a can and heat em up) and good for her and I usually give her cheese with them because together they make a complete protein ;) Also, dairy can clog you up so the beans keep everything smooth in the digestive area :)
She eats a lot of fruit too cause that is super quick and good. Ummm yeah she eats hot dogs that I grill on the Foreman. Those aren't so healthy, but I do buy the all beef hot dogs. Haha. They are just so easy and she will eat them and she CAN be picky. Hope that helps. Maybe I should be asking you what you feed her every day so I can implement them into Anna's diet!
hey, katherine when you click on the blog list to add another address you just have to scroll down to the blog you want to rename and click on rename. hope that helps
It is funny. Jayden has the same bib. I might be the only that finds that funny, but it seems we have the same taste in random things a lot for our kids. ha ha. She is such a cute little girl. Jayden plays in the laundry all the time too. Cute little Reese.
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