Monday, March 2, 2009

Fun in the snow!

Ok so the snow wasn't so great. It was a little deep for the kids to walk in, but we had fun anyway. I made a little makeshift sledding hill in the backyard and some of the kids liked that.

They ended up just playing on the slide and swings, mostly because it was easier than walking in the snow. After ward we had a picnic in my front room. Where all the adults ate nuggets and kid food along with the babies. (Maybe I won't be asked to cook again, but I think it worked out ok, who doesn't like a little nuggets and mac and cheese?) Afterward Reese did the classic lay on the kitchen floor with a blanket over her. I think Benjamin didn't appreciate it, I thought it was pretty funny he laid on top of her for awhile then just kept trying to pull it out from under her.
So for those of you who couldn't make it (lots of people had sick babies,) it really was a lot of fun. We'll plan on doing it again the first Monday of April. We are most likely going to the pool because that was fun.


10zfam said...

sorry, i didn't make it hailey is sick an i woke up not feeling well either. oh the joys of winter. thanks for calling me with your address.

Brooke said...

That was fun! Thanks for letting us come! I thought the nuggets were great (so did Syd)

Chelsie said...

ah, coop would have loved playin with all the kids, hopefully when i'm down by megan we'll make the trip up together to go to one of these