Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Zoo Day!

This year for UEA my parents took us all to Park City. So we started off the day at the zoo. (Warning, there are a lot of pics, I'll try to keep my commentary short :)

 Reese, my mom (aka Yaya), Rylee, and of course, the elephants.
 Classic measure up the the monkey pic. We have one of these for every year we have been alive, of each of me and my brothers and sisters.
 Doesn't work as good with 12 people covering the monkeys, but oh well you get the point.

 Just a cute one of Reese and mom.
 The polar bear was so fun, he would go back, and then swim under the water, to pop up right where Reese and my niece were. It was fun.
 Look at that pretty little face. This bird was cracking me up it let them get so close to it.
 And then those kids behind Rylee actually touched it and it didn't care. This pic is like so many others we have. She says cheeeesee but doesn't look at me, ugh frustrating.
 Can you see the huge crocodile in the back, Reese is pretending to be scared.

 At the end of the night Jeremy got them in bed and put on a show, it didn't last long. Especially for Rylee, she was out pretty quick. I think they loved sharing a bed. This was Rylee's first time in a big girl bed. We had a great weekend!


Megan said...

What a fun day! Love the pic of them in the bed together - you can tell they are buddies!

And no reason to be scared of clowns?! Please! There is not reason NOT to. That guy gives me the creeps!

Leah Aston said...

Fun activity. I think my boys would just climb all over each other in the same bed, it would be a disaster. :}