Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Strawberry Shortcake Cake!

I've been wanting to do a cake like this for awhile, so when my friend Kristen asked for a strawberry shortcake cake, I was way excited. I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

I couldn't decide if I liked it better with the figure on it or not. I don't like to put figures on my cakes that aren't edible. But I am kind of reticent about making figures, they're just hard to make as good as you wish they would look. So I let her choose, I liked the way it turned out. Happy Birthday cute Ella!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Founder's Day!

Last week was Founder's Day for Pleasant View. We went over for the parade. Here is a cute random tractor, Jeremy took the picture, but I love these cute old tractors.

Here's miss black eye, enjoying the candy.
I love parades that have cute old tractors and little mini horses. It's so much better than just a car with a sign of a business on it.
Happy Founder's Day!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bear Lake

Last week, we joined the Wood family for our annual Bear Lake trip. It was a little cooler and windier then one may have wished for, but still very fun. My girls loved playing at the "beach". As you can see the beach was only about 2 feet of mud, but hey, who doesn't like to play in mud?
Rylee wasn't a huge fan of swimming, but did warm up to it a bit, by the end of the week. Where as, you had to drag Reese out of the pool.
Mostly Rylee just wanted to stay wrapped up in her towel. This pic cracks me up because I kept making her get in the pool, when I should have just sat by the side and let her do more of this.
There is this tiny golf course there, and luckily, there was no on else, when we went. So we kind of let the kids on a free for all.
My mom and dad were so nice to plan , and pay for the whole thing - thanks again! (not like they are going to read this :)

Finally a pic with Reese actually looking at me, and no crazy eyes. I better frame it.
Reese just got her bike and is doing really good at home riding it. But being there, presented a few challenges that she is apparently not ready for, like tiny hills, or practically non existent bumps. When anything looked a little bit iffy, she would have to get off her bike and walk it. She cracks me up, I'm sure someday, she'll be able to fly down hills and I'll wish she would be more slow, but this is not that day.

We had a fun week, Rylee got a few injuries, but is healing nicely. The best part was Jeremy got to come up for a bit of it. With work it's hard for him to get away. But the girls loved having him there.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

First Black Eye

Yep it's a shiner! Isn't it awful? I get nervous taking her to the store, with what people are going to say. She got into a fight with a table. She tripped on a pillow right into the table. It instantly swelled up and bruised up. My poor little baby.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Rylee.

I was trying to think of something to post, and I decided to talk about my little Rylee pants.
Since she was born she has been great, sleeping completely through the night at 5 weeks. Very calm, independent, and happy.

Since she's been getting older, her personality has been coming out. She's a bit mischievous, loves to climb, and loves to grab anything and everything. She's quite active, likes to be wrestled around, and puts everything in her mouth.
She is talking way above normal, already knows most of her animal sounds, and can point to most everything on her body. And can already pick out a few colors.
She likes to eat, and doesn't mind getting messy to do so.
She's staring to get quite an attitude. She's a lot of fun. For how much she wants to be independent, she's also a pretty good snuggler. She plays pretty good with Reese and loves to laugh. It's exciting when you get to see their personalities come out. I may have a bit more trouble headed my way with this one, than I did with Reese but we'll see.
Lucky me for such a sweet and silly little lady.