Thursday, December 30, 2010

Trimming the Tree!

This is obviously a few weeks behind, but we got out the tree and had a family decorating day. Reese wanted her own tree in her room. It was only about a foot tall.
We borrowed a little tree from Jeremy's sister and put it up on the table so it would be more out of reach from Rylee.

This is Reese with her ornament.

Earlier that day we went to Bicentennial park (by Lee's) The santa there is the best! I had a feeling Rylee would react this way, she doesn't really like going to strangers lately, let alone one that looks like Santa.
Reese went straight in and snuggled down, it was so cute, Santa loved it. He said Reese was the sweetest and he felt like taking a nap.

This is Rylee helping me put up the tree.

Just trying to get into the holiday spirit. It worked, then we watched Muppet Christmas Carol, (my fav) Which we watched about 5 times this season. Hope you all had a good season as well.

One small step for baby, one giant leap for mommykind.

I know you want your babies to stay small. But inevitably they don't. And since Rylee is getting so big, I find myself wanting her to be able to do more things, that older kids can. #1 - Feed herself. Now I know it's a little early but I started her on milk in a cup, and took her off bottles.
It's been the best, right there you save about 20 min, each feeding, which means I can clean up the dishes, (or actually eat myself, I know, novel idea.) Anyways she's getting better and better at feeding herself and I love it, for me it's a big milestone we've reached.

The rest of these are random pictures, Rylee on Reese's rocking horse that she's obsessed with.
I never have them in matching clothes because Rylee has so many hand me downs and they're never the same as what Reese has. But I had to get a pic of them in their matching jammies, even though it's not halloween.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Car accident!

A couple of weeks ago, the girls and I set out for the craft fair. We were going to stop at my neighbor's house (about two blocks away) and go with her. Well we didn't make it. Luckily it was in no way my fault, and even more luckily we were perfectly fine. I can't say the same for my Acura.

This doesn't show how bad it really looks. We got hit on the side, (right where Rylee sits basically.) They had to completely replace both doors, the running board, and paint the fender. The bummer is we have to get new car seats, and that is turning out to be a pain. Also we're lucky she had insurance, and we've been able to have a rental car for about a month now. I'll be excited when we get our Acura back hopefully good as new.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Cabin fever.

I know that winter is just started, but it's ben so cold that we haven't been going outside at all. I am aware that there is still months of cold left to go. We are missing the park, and I feel like we were getting on each others nerves a little bit, so last week I was trying to think of something fun and different to do.
So we stripped the girls down and did some pudding painting. I think it worked, it gave us something to do, and definitely entertained them. I had one of those plastic table cloths that cost about $1, and put out bowls of different colored puddings and jams, and some paper.
Reese obviously was more interested in painting herself, (which I had thought would be coming). And Rylee was more interested in eating it.
Afterward I just scooped up the whole tablecloth and chucked it, so cleanup wasn't bad at all. I was lucky my husband didn't see it though, I think he would have been less optimistic about the mess.
Of course after covering your body in pudding, it's time for a bath.
If anyone has any more ideas let me know........ there's a lot of winter left!